So it's 2011 and I told myself I'd be blogging with more frequency and regularity this year... but we'll see I guess.
I suppose I should start this year with a little blog about what's in store for us in 2011!
This year we have HEAPS happening-
First up, I'm returning to study my Graduate Diploma of teaching. Part-time first up with just 2 subjects- I'm studying externally with QUT, so the concept of self-motivaton is a bit daunting and I hope I can keep that red-hot chilli pepper up my rear when it comes to getting things done on time and not at the last minute.
Secondly we are planning on a move back to Brisbane in about October when DH's current work contract is up. So that's a whole plate of hot-potatoes to juggle- pulling Finn out of 4yo preschool late in the year, and needing to find him somewhere in Brisbane for just a few weeks because I don't want him out of routine too long before official prep starts in 2012 with him... we also don't have him enrolled anywhere just yet! Need to get onto that. Then there's the sheer basics of moving as there's no way I'm doing an interstate move ourselves this time (we did it all in a trailer when we moved down in 2007!).
Then there's the fact that in a few short weeks I'll be turning 3-0!! I still feel like a giddy schoolgirl inside (just a very, very tired one- maybe more like a hungover 18yo I suppose).
Finally there's the **Promises** for 2011....
DH and I have promised to go alcohol free for 12months (excluding a drink or two for my birthday late Jan).
I've pledged to not buy any clothes for 12months also. As a result I've just enrolled myself in a children's sewing course... brush up on my ad-hoc sewing abilities and hopefully turn out a few nice items for the boys, though I seriously doubt they will need anything at all, but it will come in handy down the track also.
Now the hardest one for me is no buying yarn for 6months....(excluding one sneaky co-op in April, but I have paypal funds already set aside for that). I have more than enough yarn here, but need to be tough with myself because I'm tempted ALL the time spending a lot of time on Ravelry with all the links, pics and discussion of delicious yarns every day.
So that's the year ahead- or part of it anyway, and fingers crossed a whole lot more blogging will happen too.